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Federico: Everything happens for a reason...
Want to become a director. Model for underwear and swimsuits. Like languages. Like poetry and art. Go on " http://it.netlog.com/Fremagic " and visit my homepage!

Relation:Is a Secret
Mobile Operator:Vodafone
Phone Model:Nokia E50
Company:Danska and Dutch people
Schools:Scientific School
Like:The SUNSET and the SNOW, to RUN and the KISSES, Also, morning sleeping, to swim, Cinema, Danska folk, Lost, every sport, especially basketball, photography, soundtracks
Hate:Cowardice, Ignorance and Overbearance, especially towards the helpless, spoilers about Lost, who disorder my hair, laces loosened when I, m jumping the rope
Fav. Music:Queen, Beethoven, Soundtacks by Michael Giacchino, Danny Elfman, John Ottman, Songs as Mad World, Let Me Out, Follow the Leader, Return to Me, Hurt, The Other Side, The Space Between, Your Call, 7 Seconds, Superman, Somewhere Over the Raimbow, Hide and Seek
Fav. Movies:The Machinist, Memento, Unbreakable, the trilogy of The Lord of the Rings, The Pledge, The Shawshank Redemption, Vertigo
Fav. Books:La Coscienza di Zeno, Oceano Mare, Turn of The Screw, Our Mutual Friend, Mice and Men and many other
Fav. Celebrity:Michael Jordan, Evangeline Lilly, Willem Dafoe, M, Night Shyamalan and many other directors such as Christopher Nolan, Bryan Singer, Brad Anderson, Alfred Hitchcock then Martin Luther King, Stan Lee, Caravaggio
Skinner Since:17 years ago
Last Login:12 years ago

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