.em a real difficult person to deal wid, to understand, to luve and I noh all of it.
Some things ue should noh abou me: My loved ones are my everything if ue will hurt them then run fo uhr life.. =]I em outspoken, opinionated nd determined. I want whad i want nd there is nofhing wrong wid dat. So try to stop me, try to douse my inner flame, try to squash every ounce of beauty i hold within meh. You won't succeed..
Dun't 'uckin mess wid me or else I'll screw ue up I swear :X *
If ue even dream of beating me ue'd betta wake up and apologize :]] *
*Fashion fades, only style remains the same. A girl should be two things: classy nd fabulous. nd I,am both : ) ♥
*Life is nothing without friends. You smile wid them, ue laugh wid them, ue get mad at them, ue cry for them, ue swear at them and yet ue can't go a day widout them ! I love my friends, they play an important role in my life. nd i just adore that. ^.^
Init all ue could've asked to noh!? ;)