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Han: To be UR beSTfriEND
Simple n really like smile...Friendly,homely,like study and star,like to make all people laugh..I really lyke reading a novel..:) just 8 me to be your friend,i always by your side.All your secret will safe wif me.Believe me and i will believe in you..

Mobile Operator:3g
Schools:SEcrET sCHooL
Like:SIngING, danCE, STar, cooKINg, cleanINg my hOuse, helP My faMIly, chiLDRen, writING a nOVEl, alWays CAreLesS, playing a PIAno, mY PEt and rEADing a NOVel
Hate:If soMEone disTRUp me reADINg a nOVel or sTUDy, selFIsh, getting SaD, CRying, make TROUble wITH my LOvely faMIly
Fav. Music:After love and please don, t love by ft island, hate u and again2 by 2pm, sorry2 by suju, heartbreaker by gdragon, last farewell, lies and haru2 by bigbang, i let u go and i, m sorry by x4 band, love should go on and romantic by SHINee, perfect man by Shinhwa
Fav. Movies:AbouT SPOrt like BASketball, ghOST Story, ADventUre, hoPE, LovE, DRama, ACtion, ReaLITy
Fav. Books:NoVEL, eduction, comiC and SpoRT
Fav. Celebrity:2PM, FT Island, SNSD, BigBang, SHINee, DBSK, TVXQ, 2AM, Rain bi, SS501, Shinhwa, Super Junior, Supernova, T ara, WuChun, 2NE1, X4 Band, Bie sukrit, Jerry, Yan, Michael Jackson, Jonas Brother, Selena Gomez, Miley Cyrus, Demi Lovato, Backstreet Boy and Lee Jun Ki
Skinner Since:15 years ago
Last Login:14 years ago

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