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Prima donna of the gutter: Rock On! Till the end ;D
Female,32,,Immortal city

Occupation:None, yet
Schools:School of r0ck sch0ol of immortals fall out boy school, p
Like:Food, music, esp, Rock, arts, books, twilight, h, P lovecraft, I, 3 Fall Out Boy, addicts, i, 3 Em0, 3, s my kitty
Hate:My m0ther, p my ann0ying btch sis, my Life, My self, the envir0nment ar0und me, the fake people, unchaste pervert guys, p, i realLy hate when i have n0 m0ney, bei
Fav. Music:Fall Out Boy, param0re, incubus, weezer, the script, the fray, flyleaf, mar0on 5, coldplay, deathcab for cutie, my chem, Romance, slipkn0t, jas0n mraz, taylor swift, john mayer, etc, Etc r0ck Rules
Fav. Movies:horror, brutal bloody gore films, acti0n, sci, fi, psychologcal thrillers
Fav. Books:Twilight, new m0oN, Eclipse, breaking dawn, the lovely b0nes, h, P lovecraft w0rks
Fav. Celebrity:Angelina jolie, mila jovovich, Etc
Skinner Since:13 years ago
Last Login:13 years ago

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