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Meizha Send Message Sign Guestbook Add Friend My Photo My Friends Browse My Themes My Subscribtions Mida Wiku : Give your smile for everyone...!! Female,32, ,Cikarang , Bekasi I like make new friends.... because, they are make me feel happy while i'm sad, and they always come while i'm alone,, without them i can't feel happines....~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Would you like to be my friends...??? i hope you say YES to me. thank you so much......Relation: MarriedMobile Operator: Indosat , Axis Phone Model: Sony Xperia Miro , Maxtron Chibi Occupation: Production Operator Company: tsuang hine industrial PT Schools: StaTe seNior hIgh sChoOL Of oNe Like: MakE A NEw fRIenDs , maKe a sOmeoNe SMiLe anD haPpY , Sing , STudY , WAtCh movIes thAt i LIke , SwiM , vOLLey ball , reAdiNg , maKe a pOEms , anImEs , korEAn draMa Hate: mAyBe noThiNg , BeCauSe i tRyinG To apPreciATe WHat i HatE , Fav. Music: Jpop , Kpop and oriental songs , aNiMe sOuNDTraCK , KoReaN DramA , jaPAneSE DRamA ANd tAIwaNEse drAMa sOuNDTraCks Fav. Movies: Princess hours , Twilight , harry potter , my lovely kim sam soon , memories in Bali , springwaltz , the great queen seon deok , dealova , lost in love , autumn in my heart Fav. Books: MANga CoMic , HARry pOTteR , abOUt LOvEs , faNtasY aNd hoRroRs Fav. Celebrity: Song hye kyo , hyeon bin , han chae young , kim sang bum , kim hyun joong , jae hee , rain , frankie muniez , barbie hzu , ko hye sun , park eun hye , wonbin , lee dong wook , etc Skinner Since: 15 years agoLast Login: 4 years ago
Cuming soon
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