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Mida Wiku: Give your smile for everyone...!!
Female,32,,Cikarang, Bekasi
I like make new friends.... because, they are make me feel happy while i'm sad, and they always come while i'm alone,, without them i can't feel happines....~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Would you like to be my friends...??? i hope you say YES to me. thank you so much......

Mobile Operator:Indosat, Axis
Phone Model:Sony Xperia Miro, Maxtron Chibi
Occupation:Production Operator
Company:tsuang hine industrial PT
Schools:StaTe seNior hIgh sChoOL Of oNe
Like:MakE A NEw fRIenDs, maKe a sOmeoNe SMiLe anD haPpY, Sing, STudY, WAtCh movIes thAt i LIke, SwiM, vOLLey ball, reAdiNg, maKe a pOEms, anImEs, korEAn draMa
Hate:mAyBe noThiNg, BeCauSe i tRyinG To apPreciATe WHat i HatE,
Fav. Music:Jpop, Kpop and oriental songs, aNiMe sOuNDTraCK, KoReaN DramA, jaPAneSE DRamA ANd tAIwaNEse drAMa sOuNDTraCks
Fav. Movies:Princess hours, Twilight, harry potter, my lovely kim sam soon, memories in Bali, springwaltz, the great queen seon deok, dealova, lost in love, autumn in my heart
Fav. Books:MANga CoMic, HARry pOTteR, abOUt LOvEs, faNtasY aNd hoRroRs
Fav. Celebrity:Song hye kyo, hyeon bin, han chae young, kim sang bum, kim hyun joong, jae hee, rain, frankie muniez, barbie hzu, ko hye sun, park eun hye, wonbin, lee dong wook, etc
Skinner Since:15 years ago
Last Login:4 years ago

Cuming soon

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