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Mutia0829 Send Message Sign Guestbook Add Friend My Photo My Friends Browse My Themes My Subscribtions Mutia : # Think before doing. SURE. Don't be easily discouraged.^_^ # Female,28, ,OKU Timur , South Sumatera Simpel ja lah gk ribet. Yg jelas orang nya mudah di atur.Relation: SingleMobile Operator: Telkomsel Phone Model: Nokia , Samsung Company: Mutia , s Home Schools: SMA N 1 BELITANG Like: See the stars and moon in the recesses of the horizon , when the twilight after sunset Hate: Nothing Fav. Celebrity: Gak ada orang yg spesial , kecuali my parent Skinner Since: 11 years agoLast Login: 6 years ago
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