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Hi guys! I'm a danish girl, just turned 14, and seriously crazy. I'm a HUGE fan of McFly, and I think I'm kinda obsessed. I love music, can't live without it, at this moment I hear a lot of McFly(daah, of cause), Blink182 and My Chemical Romance. I'm in the 8th greate in school, I ride alot, have a horse called Ikaros, and a dog called Soya, I'm a swimmer, practesing 3x2 hours a week, and when I finally have time to relax, I'm either with my friends, or at the computer. I like to write short stories and poems and stuff. I think that became a novelle, but it was something about me. & by the way, I am very happy by meeting new people, so don't be scared to message me. Bye..

Phone Model:Nokia 5300
Like:Music, friends, horses, animals, swimming, ect
Hate:All the fake persons in our school, town, the whole world, why can, t anyone just be themselves anymore
Fav. Music:McFLY, And, My, Chemical, Romance, Blink, 182, Son, Of, Dork, 30, Seconds, To, Mars, Three, Days, Grace, Fall, Out, Boy, Maybe, Dúné
Fav. Movies:Back To The Future, Super, rocks
Fav. Books:The, Heartland, book s are pretty good, But Harry Potter dosn, t suck either
Fav. Celebrity:Dougie Poynter, Tom Fletcher, Danny Jones and Harry Judd
Skinner Since:17 years ago
Last Login:16 years ago

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