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- Nur Rifah Safirah. - People keep me Fierah. - Was born in Perak, Malaysia. - I like to make friends & I just choose the best on my eyes even I can't see them. - I hate people who's fuckin' me without any reasons & I'll think that she/he doesn't have manners. - You really hate me, don't add me & just go away from my life. I don't need person like you. - Bye. Wassalam. :-)

Relation:Is a Secret
Phone Model:5610 Xpress Music
Occupation:Still student,
Company:sH 4 cReW pHoToGrApHer,
Schools:Forgetlah, Of course somewhere in Malaysia,
Like:The things that I do should not make me bored,
Hate:People who doesnt have manners n have bad attitudes,
Fav. Music:Prefer to hear hip, hop, raya song, a lil bit catchy flow n pop,
Fav. Movies:Ghost story of course,
Fav. Books:I just read the book that not make me feel want to sleep,
Fav. Celebrity:All people who I admire,
Skinner Since:16 years ago
Last Login:15 years ago

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