Q-cHan: if I did not dream, nothing would become reality.. Female,35,,Indonesia, Banten Create Your Own | Send this to My Phone
Yoroshiku onegai shimasu... x)
I like anime very much...
I like cat too..
I love Seigaku, Shitenhouji n Rikkai team very much...
also in bleach I love Byakuya Kuchiki, in Naruto I love yondaime... XDDDDD
I'm enjoying make skin for my handphone,so I can share with other people that likes anime too..
Thank you for downloading my skin..
sorry for my bad english.. X(
thanks for the one who makes the pictures I use..
It's so cute... XDDDD Arigato... :)
Kyaa.. I'm waiting for POT OVA Another Story Rikkai's part. X3
Hope it will be good.. (>w<)