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Unymbem: Love is everywhere u go!
Female,36,,DreAM Land
Childish,funny,simple n thankful
Mobile Operator:Simpati
Phone Model:Nokia 2700c
Occupation:College student
Company:Englis dept of Unj
Like:Swimming, eating, chatting, laughing, travellin, listening to any kind of music, sleeping all the time hehe, p
Hate:Wanna bees, liars, pitty parties, and hipo people
Fav. Music:Marron 5, d cardigans, d ting tings, kesha, malliq n d essential, RAN, keith martin
Fav. Movies:Twilight, life is beautiful, forrest gump, d lord of d rings, my fair lady dll
Fav. Books:A child called it, d lost boy, twilight
Fav. Celebrity:Kesha, all korean actor
Skinner Since:14 years ago
Last Login:13 years ago
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