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If you like naruto go to ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87Eox9Z8PP4 ) and comment
Mobile Operator:Libyana, almadar
Phone Model:N73
Occupation:Student in universty
Schools:Al fateh university
Like:Devil May Cry, Resident evil, and all pc games, and making, videos, and action, dangerous stuff, and watch, new movies
Hate:No thing at all
Fav. Music:Rock, Metal Rock, Hard Rock, Soft Rock, Hip, Hop, Pop, Kpop, Jpop
Fav. Movies:Harry Potter, Twilight, Transforms, Resident evil, and many more, and Supernatural, anime
Fav. Celebrity:Dante, vergil, Nero, Linkin Park, Breaking Benjamin, Tvxq, DBSK, jae, joong, 2pm, ShiNee, Miley Cyrus, Daniel Redcliff, Emma Watson
Skinner Since:15 years ago
Last Login:13 years ago
Bored, Chilly or Horny ???
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