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ashra2025 Send Message Sign Guestbook Add Friend My Photo My Friends Browse My Themes My Subscribtions dayang : '..a good eDUcatIoon is tHe oNlY tHing tHat yoU couLd own fOrevEr and nO onE can take it aWay...' Female,32, ,Zamboanga City 'lovInG , carrIng @ simpleRelation: In a RelationshipPhone Model: Nokia C3 , 00 Occupation: Student Company: Student Schools: Central Sulu Colleges Like: spenD time with someone i love Hate: Arrogant Fav. Music: Love songs Fav. Movies: Horror movies , love story , fairytales , comicks Fav. Books: FairytalesŲ , Qur , an Fav. Celebrity: SaRAh G Skinner Since: 12 years agoLast Login: 12 years ago
Evil and cruel !!
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