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em: sucCesS Is nOt soMethNg to wait for, its smTHng to w0rk for.1;!!
Female,38,,k, s, a
im nOt pErfEct girl, my hair does'nt alwys stay in place & i spill things a lot...& im prEtty clumsy& smtyms i have a br0ken heart my friends & smtyms fight & my be some days n0thng goes right but when i think about it & take a step back i remEmber how amzing life truly is & dat mybe just mybe i'll lyk being unperfEct...

Relation:It's complicated
Mobile Operator:mobily
Occupation:pScytric nuRse
Company:A, K, A, G
Schools:m, s, u
Fav. Music:rNb, altErnAtive
Fav. Movies:nokebook, beautful lyf and a lot
Fav. Books:anythng fast, paced and exciting
Fav. Celebrity:of chOurSe me hehehe
Skinner Since:15 years ago
Last Login:11 years ago

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