Female,39,,antipolo im a fun l0ving girl, wh0 value freed0m an l0t, if you f0rce me t0 d0 s0mething, i'll stand gr0und and intenti0nally n0t t0 d0 it. mej0 hard headed ak0 but i c0mpromise din nmn, especially when im with a guy, relationship are two way street kasi, so it's important to meet your man atleast halfway. Napaka outspoken ko, i will tell you what's on my mind, whether it can hurt or not, but you can absolutely trust me with your secrets. In term's of l0ving, i got always easily hurt, its so easy for me to fall in l0ve, yet so hard to fall 0ut, thats the thing i hate about myself, i 0ften misunderst00d for being flirty. The m0st stupid things i did is when i gave a hundred percent 0f my l0ve & ended up getting hurt, i learn a l0t fr0m th0se relati0nships, i was always f0rgiving but i realize that i've had en0ugh, when i said en0ugh, i mean it... if i make a mistake, i'll make sure i dont commit again, but there's always an exception... hehehe, in a fight i d0nt waste my time with w0rds, i go straight f0r the eye, but if im wr0ng, im the first 0ne t0 say s0rry, & if he/she doesnt accept my apologies, ill find a way f0r him/her t0 accept it. h0pe t0 meEt mY bEhaLf...