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♀♣L a d y®♪♪: ™ Realize what's important in your life what you can live with,, but more importantly what you can't live without!!!™"
Female,39,,Quezon City
♀♀♀ I'm selfish,impatient && a little insecure .Im out of control && at times I'm hard to handle.But if you can't handle me at my worst,then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.... ♀♀♀im a mess && my room usually is too,,i laugh at the stupidest things && always say the wrong things at the wrong time,, i cry for no reason sometimes && i get jealous real easy.. i don't have it together but....[[I Like The Way I Am!!!] ♀♀♀Love mahself. ♀♀♀I love GOD,family,and relatives.They mean so much to me. ♀♀♀Just because im quiet DOESN'T mean i have NOTHING to say. ♀♀♀I JUDGE people too easily by my FIRST IMPRESSION. ♀♀♀I'd rather wait FOREVER for the PERFECT GUY,than settle for any OLE' PERSON. ♀♀♀Im unpredictable && spontaneous. ♀♀♀I TRY to be forgiving. ♀♀♀I enjoy being UNIQUE. ♀♀♀Im ambitious && determined,but i can get LAZY and unmotivated at TIMES. ♀♀♀Im a SUCKER for compliments. ♀♀♀Id rather look immature && have FUN than care what other people think. ♀♀♀Sometimes im realy CONFIDENT && other times I feel realy INSECURE. ♀♀♀Im creative && imaginative. ♀♀♀Im CURIOUS about everything. ♀♀♀FRIENDS mean EVERYTHING to me,but sometimes I just want to be ALONE. ♀♀♀I envy people who can fit in easily without even TRYING. ♀♀♀I try to be sympathetic && supportive,even if sometimes,i FAKE it to make you feel good. ♀♀♀XD im opinionated and stubborn,but im LOYAL,sincere and CARING. ♀♀♀You can TRUST me with your SECRETS unless its something that i know will hurt you. ♀♀♀I always TRY to see the BEST in you,even if you ANNOY me. ♀♀♀I hate it when people make me feel GUILTY to get their way. ♀♀♀I'll ALWAYS be here to listen to your problems. ♀♀♀I'll STICK up for you no matter what happens.

Relation:It's complicated
Mobile Operator:Smart
Phone Model:N6300
Company:Gomez, s, Company®
Schools:NFWC, LRPMES, Francisco School, Far Eastern University,
Like:watching tv and dvd marathons all day long, net surfing, eating d ol tym fave recipe of kexx, hehe, sleeping, listening, malling, shopping, strolling, par
Fav. Music:♣♣♣eagles, jimi, hendrix, rolling, stones, radiohead, nirvana, sublime, nelly, furtado, kanye, west, greenday, rascal, flatts, hot, hot, heat, jars, of, clay, sonicflood, and, every, nation, ♣♣♣
Fav. Movies:final destination, white chicks, titanic, parent trap, harry potter and shutter, thirteen going to thirty, lord of the rings trilogy, panic room, superman returns, pirates of the caribbean, little man, back to the future, ferris dueller, s day off
Fav. Books:poisonwood bible, pretty much everything by pablo neruda and jorge luis borges, hahahaha, bible din xempre
Skinner Since:17 years ago
Last Login:13 years ago

Bored, Chilly or Horny ???

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