funkeekai28: what is BEAUTY,.if the BRAIN is EMPTY!! Female,33,,batangas bOut mE?? soMe pPoL thiNk dAt iM sNobBIsh, mAaRte, supLaDa, mataRay anD waTsOever...bUt dAts tHe oPpoSite of wAt dEy tHougHt... i cAn eaSiLy miNgLe wiTh diffeRent tyPes oF pPoL... onCe u gEt tO knOw mE, u wOuLd pRobAbLy sAy thAt im niCe & cOoL if u treAt me righT... i dOnT caRe iF u haTe me, the imPorTant thinG is thAt im juZ beiNg me.. myseLf... thE reaL mE!!! i haTe peopLe whO aRe sO juDgemenTaL, naiVe, bAckstAbBers, hYp0cRitEs & PRETENDERS!!! iM matuRed en0ugH t0 tHink wAt iS riGhT 0r wRoNg.