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sexyhanna: time is gold
Female,38,,villa santibanez
*I have a aristocrat blood... Wwhhaattt??..Hakhak! Joke! *Interested $ love having new friends, *love doing things that make me excite! Adventurous person, *love hanging out with mah friends, *love pipol hu have a sense of humor, *love dancing, *LOVE LOTS MAH FAMILY $ LOVE ONE, *rily love pipol hu loves me, *LOVES 2BE LOVED =) *LOVE GOD, have a big God-fear. *loves 2 explore $ wander coz im easy 2 amused! *love wearing clothes that fits mah personality, *always aromatic... *VERY LOVING PERSON... *kind hearted... *weak one but strong enaf! *im d person that willing 2 do anything 2 pursued mah self 2 get wat I want,$ f I dont im hasty 2be peeved! *easy 2 get along with $ talk to... *easy 2 smile, but hard-headed sumtimes! Eheh! *frankly person, energetic, but clumsy sumtimes, ahah! *honest, cheerful, demanding sumtimes, eheh! *easy 2 disappoint, expressing mah feelings coz it help me out! Boisterous $ childish sumtimes=) *very compassionate person... *easily bored.. *I may cry hard but not often, but I may always laugh harder! *mah expectations in life arent high so I wont fall as hard as it was! *I dont give respect 2 those pipol hu doesnt give respect $ love their parents... *dont give care 2 pipol hu doesnt care $ help themselves. *I hate pipol hu used 2 be a *back fighter! *such a liar! *a great pretenders! *stupid plastic *$rogue selfish *hate pipol hu hurts but instead of fighting their tormenting themselves, *hate pipol hu doesnt have self-respect, *hate n0 being trusted, *hate pipol hu have insecurity in themselves, it Should not help it! *And 2 those pipol hu hates a lots mah guts, I d0nt mind, bc0z its n0t like i like dem either! *I may n0t be totally perfect but 4sure... IM REAL...

Relation:In a Relationship
Mobile Operator:09223817615
Phone Model:nokia 5300, nokia 7360, nokia 6111
Company:stug philippines
Like:alots of friends, shopping, gimmick, net surfing, dancing, eating, sleeping, texting, watchimg t, v
Hate:plastic, liars, pretenders, back fighter, selfish, boastful
Fav. Music:rnb, rock, em0, ballad
Fav. Movies:titanic, s0 close,
Fav. Books:pocketbo0k,
Fav. Celebrity:paris hilton, catherine zeta jones, brad pitt, eminem
Skinner Since:17 years ago
Last Login:16 years ago

Cuming soon

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