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i have nothing to say much about me.. :) i believe you have to get to know the person personally,. And not in some notes or whatever... Imma very private person. I dnt talk much! Haha

Mobile Operator:Nokia
Like:reading books, watchin, tv, sleepin, all day hehe, Listening to music 24, 7
Hate:i hate annoying people
Fav. Music:RnB
Fav. Movies:A walk to remember, titanic, lord of the rings, harry potter, the prince and me, Naked weapon, xMEN, shrek and ice age
Fav. Books:My time for kids almanac haha, I love it, Harry potter books, goosebumps, R, L stine, ripleys, question and answer, all my vintage books including mark twain, s tom sawyer, Imma bookworm whoaaa, D
Fav. Celebrity:I like PARIS HILTON and ANGELINA JOLIE, the pocket size OLSEN twins for their sense of fashion haha, HEIDI KLUM for being so gourgeous, BRAD PITT and HUGH JACKMAN they, re sexy
Skinner Since:13 years ago
Last Login:12 years ago

Popping Pink

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