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aureus jeizcee: "WhAt JeIzCeE wAnTs, JeIzCeE gEtS"
Male,35,,las pinas city
A - crazy U - is loved by everyone R - funny E - has gorgeous eyes U - is loved by everyone S - makes people laugh J - is very sexual E - has gorgeous eyes I - is really sweet & romantic Z - very broad minded C - selfish E - has gorgeous eyes E - has gorgeous eyes M - Makes dating fun A - crazy L - is a very good kisser T - a smile to die for O - has one of the best personalities ever *Im AuReUs jEiZcEe MaLtO *YoU cAn cAlL MeH JeIzCeE *iM 19 yRs. OlD *CoLlEgE StUdEnT -=ApPeArAnCe=- *5'7 *i DrInK *i SmOkE *SlIm BuT mAy aBs *sInGlE -=ThE rEaL mE=- I 'am.. *ShY *FrAnK *SeNsIbLe *PaSsIvE *RaTiOnAl *SiMpLe *SkEpTiC *SiNcErE *MeTiCuLoUs *DeCeNt *LoYaL *HuMbLe *SeNtImEnTaL *TrUsTwOrThY *"SeRiOuS WhEn iT CoMeS To lOvE" So......... Do YoU tHiNk YoU cAn HaNdLe Me? *So AdD Me uP In mY: *FIRST ACCOUNT: john_karl_thirteen@yahoo.com.ph *SECOND ACCOUNT: john_karl_eighteen@yahoo.com.ph *THIRD ACCOUNT: john_karl_twentyone@yahoo.com *FOURHT ACCOUNT: john_karl_twentyeight@yahoo.com.ph *FIFTH ACCOUNT: john_karl_twentyone@yahoo.com.ph *SIXTH ACCOUNT: jakah_nine@yahoo.com *SeVeNTH ACCOUNT: john_karl_21@yahoo.com *EIGHT ACCOUNT: jaycee_eighteen_jeizcee@yahoo.com *YaHoO MeSsEnGeR jakah_nine *fLiXsTeR _jaycee_eighteen@yahoo.com *moshimonster http://www.moshimonsters.com/monsters/jeizcee *hotmail jakah_nine@hotmail.com *skype aureus.jeizcee *myspace jakah_nine@yahoo.com *multiply www.jeizcee01.multiply.com

Mobile Operator:091550922
Phone Model:N70
Company:ThE hOtTeSt lOoKiNg BiTcH iN lAs pInAs
Schools:aDaMsOn uNiVeRsItY At ThE PrEsEnT aNd sOoN To bE UnIvErSiTy oF PeRpEtUaL HeLp rIzAl
Like:fun with
Fav. Music:Bad Romance Lady Gaga, hurt, the art of letting go, crave, Before I Let You Go, alipin, Hiling, cold summer nights, Fire, My Boo, im a flirt, no one else come close, michael learns to rock, youi got it all, i love you goodbye, realize, Santeria, shining st
Fav. Movies:Shrek, A Walk To Remember, Madagascar, Mean Girls, Meet The Fockers, High School Musical, Harry Potter, Happy Gilmore, Unfaithful, Lord Of The Rings, Brokeback Mountain, Moulin Rouge, Glitter, 2 Fast 2 Furious, Spiderman, Dream Girls, Saw, Sex And The City
Fav. Books:Vogue, Fhm, The Da Vinci Code, Harry Potter, Lord Of The Rings, Seventeen, Websters Dictionary, Anatomy, Fhm Magazine
Skinner Since:17 years ago
Last Login:13 years ago

Cuming soon

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