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jee-young: Expect the least and you will never be disappointed
Name: Karen Korean Name: Park Jee Young 박지영 Birthday: Feb.8 "i'm just a silly girl who fell for a stupid boy" ~내 사랑 티제이 오빠 합니다。 I'm Karen I am nowhere PERFECT.. I eat when I'm bored.. I cry when i get hurt.. I fall easily.. I'm Vulnerable in believing lies.. I'm hoping that one day, i won't need a fake smile... I live by quotes that explain exactly what I'm going thru.. I make up excuses for everything.. (T__T) I have bestfriends and critics.. I have good memories and a share of dramas.. So, whether YOU LOVE or YOU HATE the "IMPERFECT" me.. It would be a PLEASURE if you would keep me.. +_+O_O+_+O_O+_+O_O+_+O_O+_+

Relation:It's complicated
Phone Model:N70, Nokia3230
Occupation:Student, 학생합니다, 아름다운, 학생합
Company:under construction, hehehe
Schools:elem, ALC, Ace Learning Center, HS, SHC, Sacred Heart College
Fav. Music:but not rock music, i don, t like ROCK MUSIC, i like soft music, sentimental, romantic, rnb, pop, classic BUT NOT ROCK
Fav. Movies:funny, scary, romantic, but not boring
Fav. Books:s books, anything that is interesting and fun, i also read CLASSIC BOOKS, D
Fav. Celebrity:too many to mention, D
Skinner Since:16 years ago
Last Login:14 years ago

Evil and cruel !!

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