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hi, guys my full name is kim lee shin im 16 years old and im from south korea.. i have many likes and few dislikes. i love playing guitar,bonding with friends,travelling and mountain climbing etc . . . i hate flirt,damn,useless and many more.. guys i have a secret and pls. dont get mad at me. (leeshin04andkimleeshin14 was already me , i just forgot my password in leeshin04 so i've been created a new account) now i allow u to judge me.. what kind of person is me? we can also be friends just add me and ill accept it. khamsahamnida ;))

Relation:In a Relationship
Like:rockers, music, a n jell, the stupid, many more
Hate:flirt, damn, kill joy
Fav. Music:super junior, wish u where here, jang geung suk
Fav. Movies:3 idiots, anime, korean novela
Fav. Books:novel, horrypotter, horror
Skinner Since:12 years ago
Last Login:12 years ago

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