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diYana@nana: ~NO Drugs NO wiLD sex!!!JUST rOWck's And rOLL~
,jaybee the of rocwk, z of city
hey wasup dude n gurls...lets talk about me when i was achild my mum n dad is divorce..when they are divorce since i was a 4years old again,the 1thing about me i'll very like about music so much!!!the most music i like is rock and roll,alternatif rock and indie rocwkz...the one thing make me sad in this world is the only one person i very2 love is die she is my lovely nanny...now i'm NOT alONE but I loVE my MOm COZ nOW she CARe ABOUt Me she ALways BE my pERfeCt faN!!! ANd AbouT MY step dad go to hell!!!!i very2x hate him so very much...feel like a wanna kill him''but one day i will do it...becoz he disturb my family life...becoz of him my family life become worst and broken!!!...about my mum I dONt WANt A HUrT she aGAIn...coz she is my best mother in this world until end of this world.....event she still angry at me...
6500, s
Phone Model:classic
Occupation:production clerk
Schools:jaybee uda
Like:listen the music all about rock and roll, alternatif rock and indie rock
Hate:about my step dad he is fuckerz man shed damn
Fav. Music:rock and roll, alternatif rock and indie rock, like a acdc, the killers and many more
Fav. Movies:harry potter, school of rock, the KAMI, peter paN, angus thong and the perfect snogging and many more about music and story fantasy
Fav. Books:harry potter and peter pan
Fav. Celebrity:brad pit, tom cruise and many more from western
Skinner Since:15 years ago
Last Login:14 years ago
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