Female,28,,Seria Ok, i juz write wat people said to me. Im kind of harsh, friendly, disturbin people, hot temper, but to me, im harsh,friendly,tease people,hot temper,bckstabber,luves my admire than my boyfiee n genx, kind, lyke to smile & LUVES LOLLIPOP SOO MUCH !! esemen, so juz add ma msn email : lalaBELLSlolly@live.cm, ehee, o my fs email : pela_a7x@htm.cm andand my FB : kau cri sndri-3010-3006- imiss both of you; btw, now i am in rlationship with jack. I love him a lot and he's my everything. Btw btw btw, i had this little secret, umm i wont tell but maybe you know whats mean by a spot under the lips. Its mean a sweettalker.