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........com : healthy thinking,healthy emotion,healthy relation, healthy life; i love friendship.. Every one welcome..
Male,84,,Falling down, down
i want to be a simple & honourable man..usually,people think that i’m a strong,happy person..but i'm tired, so very, very tired. It's all just too much to deal with. I don't want to do this anymore. I can't do this anymore. You win life, I give up...SoRrY WoRkS WeN MiStAkE Is mAdE bUt SoRrY DoEs nOt wOrK WeN TrUsT Is BrOkEn So dO MiStAkEs BuT nEvEr bReAk sUm1'S TrUsT.!wE R NoT Of sAmE BlOoD, We bOrN In dIfFrNt pLaCeS, We hAvE DiFfRnT TaStE In lIfE StYlE BuT sTiLl oUr hEaRtS R CoNnEcTeD WiTh A SiNgLe fEeLiNg cAlLeD FrInDsHp.

Relation:Is a Secret
Mobile Operator:gp, blink
Phone Model:N, 85
Like:Nature, honour for others feelings,
Hate:nothing, sometimes me
Fav. Music:all melodious music,
Fav. Movies:3 idiots, if one
Fav. Books:A FARE WELL TO ARMS if one
Fav. Celebrity:my best friend
Skinner Since:14 years ago
Last Login:12 years ago

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