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Female,38,,abu dhabi
Music Playlist at MixPod.com
Relation:In a Relationship
Mobile Operator:smart, etisalat
Schools:school of rock
Like:perfume, chocolate patchi, pasta, lil wayne, fb
Hate:liar, n talk shit, myself
Fav. Music:all hip hop, r n b, rock n love songs
Fav. Movies:twilight, p, s i love you, a walk to remember, cradle 2 grave, u g0t served, step up2, dragon ball ev0luti0n, tranrsf0rmer2, fast n furi0us 3, 0bessed, push
Fav. Books:b0ok of lies, written by timothy j0hn
Fav. Celebrity:rob thomas, ll co0l j, ice cube, 0mari0n, queen lathifa, orland0 bl0om, ma man lil wayne
Skinner Since:16 years ago
Last Login:14 years ago
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