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I know we almost never been in thatemotional area before, and i know usomehow concider it kind ofweakness showing emotions andsharing tears.. but i also know thatdeep inside you .. u have thatunlimited love and care!I always wished u would've saidsomething .. i wished u would'vehugged me and told me u love me, butu didnt.. and i thought it doesnt matterto me anymore!I heard that old song last night, itmade me cry and i know when ever uhear it, it makes u cry too.. inspite of allour diffeneces we r so alike in manythings!!I tryed to call and tell u how much ilove u but i couldnt.. i didnt know howto say it , but i know u felt it somehowbut u couldnt say anything as well!!WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE THAT HARDTELLING U THAT I LOVE U AND I MISS U..MUM...

Mobile Operator:Aircel
Phone Model:N97
Company:Kcp, India
Like:to play in rain, football, lyk 2 ride my bike fast, singing
Hate:to waste time
Fav. Music:hris Brown, I hate it when I hang out with MC Hammer, he doesn, t let me touch anything, Tom, Gary, s Dynamic Dance Party Delivery Service, Kid Cudi, Tyrannicide, Juggy Jag aka Jugpreet Bajwa, Crookers, Lily Allen, Michael Jackson, Susan Boyle, Deftones and Waka Fl
Fav. Movies:love and action
Fav. Celebrity:Many more especially my frnds
Skinner Since:15 years ago
Last Login:12 years ago

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