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Female,34,,Los Angeles
A simple person who loves to create a beautiful theme for herself and because I'm not that kind of selfish...I would love to share my creations to you.

Mobile Operator:Nokia
Phone Model:5200
Occupation:still a student
Schools:somewhere in California
Like:everything that makes me happy
Hate:tHosE pEopLe hU haTe mE
Fav. Music:dEcoDe tHats waT u get mE misErY BusiNess
Fav. Movies:twilight saga, forrest gump, a green mile, unfortunate events, charlie, s angels and enchanted
Fav. Books:twilight saga and pride and prejudice
Fav. Celebrity:kristen stewart and robert pattinson
Skinner Since:15 years ago
Last Login:13 years ago

Popping Pink

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