♥♥♥Я.Т.: ♥♥▓►haRd woRds can'T Touch a sofT heaRT ◄▓♥▓► buT sofT woRds can Touch a haRd heaRt ◄▓♥▓► so speak in a sofT & sweeT way & the woRld will b uRs ◄▓♥♥ Female,34,,sweet, land♥♥♥ i m a simple & sweet girl.....bealive in GOD & true frndship.....plz dun hurt me.....i have very little heart...
◄▓◄▓◄▓ R.T. ▓►▓►▓►
Relation:Is a Secret Occupation:Student Skinner Since:14 years ago Last Login:14 years ago