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vhengsky Send Message Sign Guestbook Add Friend My Photo My Friends Browse My Themes My Subscribtions Vhengsky : VHENGSKY RULEZ! Female,40, ,Batangas city Im simple, fun to be with. you can add me to your facebook, friendster of yahoo messanger..this is my email address vhengsky82yahoo.comRelation: SingleMobile Operator: Globe Phone Model: Nokia N , 70 Music Edition Occupation: Medical transcriptionist , Customer service represe Company: Diamedix Technologies , QTSTI , Teletech Schools: University of Batangas and Genetic computer institute Like: People who is fun to be with like me and with a great sense of humor Hate: people who is backfigther and boring Fav. Music: R , B , ballad , pop and some oldies but goodies songs Fav. Movies: it is many to mention Fav. Books: it is many to mention Fav. Celebrity: Antonio Banderas , Robert Downey Jr Skinner Since: 17 years agoLast Login: 5 years ago
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