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Wny: The saddest thing in the world, is loving someone who use to love you
Female,31,,Kelapa Gading
im Winny, im different!:) LET THE GOOD TIMES ROLL:) LIFES pretty GOOD atm, im contented:D 2008!! --its going to be a hard*harsh beginning but a FKN AWESOME ENDING:) ''So heres to the nights that turn into mornings with the friends that turn into family''. TEE away here we go!

Relation:It's complicated
Mobile Operator:XL, and im3
Phone Model:n73, n76, and my o2
Schools:A Singapore School
Like:to go for walks in the middle of the night through the forest and have my friends fall through ditches as they run up to me, Thats the gold right there,
Hate:going into creepy bathrooms in sub sandwich places, no matter if Ive seen others actually go in there and come back out UNHARMED
Fav. Music:Everything except metal, screamo, xcore and all that good stuff, D
Fav. Movies:Kungfu Panda, baby mama, Apocalypto, get smart, scary movies, sky of love, loaaaaaads
Fav. Books:Angels and Demons, If you could see me now, The Da Vinci Code, The Alchemist, Twilight, Captain Underpants, The Sky Is Crazy, Comics, haha, and many more
Skinner Since:17 years ago
Last Login:15 years ago

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