maruf794 13 years ago 'It doESn't mAttEr WhAt LifE bRinGs oUr wAy.. Now,i’LL aLwAyS rEmEmbEr... How yOu wErE thErE foR mE.. PoUriNg rAiN,frEEziNg snOw Or bLaZiNg sUn... Two friEnds aLwAyS kNoW The love and bOnD wE feLt.. ThAt wiLL nEvEr fAdE aWAy... SomEtimEs it’S hArD kNowiNg I cAn’t sEE yOuR EyEs.. AnD yOu cAn’t hEaR mY vOicE... EvEn tHouGh i kNoW riGhT WhErE yOu arE.. BUt mY DeaR friEnD... ThE LovE wE hAd StiLL rEmaiN thE sAmE.. AnD tHAt wiLL nEvEr diE...':note::heart: sWeEt niT 2 u mY frn:note::heart:
333968 13 years ago [img][/img]
[size=24][b]Nice Evening ...
:shy2: :heart:
maruf794 13 years ago DifferencE betweeN FrienD & WifE/HusbanD... U caN TeLL uR FrienD “U r mY BesT FrienD” BuT Do u havE couragE teLL tO uR WifE/HusbanD “U r mY BesT WifE/HusbanD?” :p if yoU havE enougH couragE theN thE resulT iS....[img][/img]:p[img][/img]:o[img][/img]:p[img][/img]deer chasing a dear:hee:[img][/img]bored:o you can use it:p[img][/img]wat he have done:o[img][/img]wat happened?..why laugh:hot:good evening:heart:[img][/img]ha ha ha... caN yoU chasE mE?:P 4 mY smilinG brotheR:smile: