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maruf794 13 years ago
'If yOu wOuLd bE iNtErEstiNg, bE inTerEstEd, If yOu wOuLd bE pLeAsEd, bE pLeAsiNg, If yOu wOuLd Be heLpEd, bE heLpfuL. If yÖu wOuLd bE LovEd, bE LoVabLe':hee::P woNdeRfuL NigHt tO yOu... :smile::P[img]http://www.desiglitters.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/messages-desi-glitters-12.gif[/img]:note::D

zaara17 13 years ago
Good Night & Swtdrms swthrt..n I LOVE YOU SWTHRT..

maruf794 13 years ago
'HaPpiNesS aLwAys LookS smaLL; if yOu hoLd iT iN uR hanDs. But whEn u leaRn tO shaRe iT, u wiLL rEaLizE hOw biG And prEcioUs iT iS!!!' ALwayS Be HaPPy. ~~>..~~>... ~~~>.... :smile::P[img]http://www.desicomments.com/dc1/05/105626/1056261.jpg[/img]:D:P

maruf794 13 years ago
gÖÖd niGhT.. sLeEp tighT .~.~. :note::D[img]http://www.scrapsyard.com/sy/01/9122/9122.gif[/img]:note::smile: sWeeT drEaMs...:)

Rukhsana36 13 years ago
Saari UMAR to Bahut DoooR Ki Baat Thi Ek LAMHE Ke Liye KAASH ! Wo Mere Hote Seh Rahe h ye GAM_e_JUDAI Agar Wo Chahte to Aaj Hm AKELE Na Hote. Ham bhi apke dost hai.thoda waqt hamare liye bhi nikaliye?

maruf794 13 years ago
LikE a weLcomE sUmmEr rAiN, smiLe mAy sUddEnLy cLeAnsE aAd cooL thE earTh, thE aiR aAd yOu...sO starT uR dAy witH smiLe aNd aNd eNd yoUr dAy wiTh :smile: keeP smiLinG..aNd smiLinG:smile::D:smile:

drops4u 13 years ago
[img]http://www.orkut.gmodules.com/gadgets/proxy?refresh=86400&container=orkut&gadgets=http%3A%2F%2Forkut.com%2Fimg.xml&url=http%3A%2F%2Fa7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net%2Fhphotos-ak-ash2%2F148886_177579565587984_171777516168189_631421_7792248_n.jpg[/img] :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Sometimes I feel sad because another loves me, and I do not...for I am promised to someone else. It isn't that I seek his love... I don't even speak his name.. but he calls to me... and I try to forget he exists. I did not ask for him to love me, I never wanted to cause him pain... I am in love with the one I am promised to.. I did not chose who I love, God chose his name. Though at times I wish I could disappear.. to take away your pain.. but I cannot because for me to not be what I am, would mean I am not what you love. I pray some day God will bless you with a love so true... one that will love you, as you deserve. Thank you for your love, though I cannot speak your name, I pray for you to be well, and ask God to bless you. :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

zaara17 13 years ago
good night swthrt and i love you jaan...

zaara17 13 years ago
good night swthrt and i love you jaan...

drops4u 13 years ago
[img]http://www.orkut.gmodules.com/gadgets/proxy?refresh=86400&container=orkut&gadgets=http%3A%2F%2Forkut.com%2Fimg.xml&url=http%3A%2F%2Fa8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net%2Fhphotos-ak-snc6%2F148612_176817165664224_171777516168189_626185_7583378_n.jpg[/img] :heart: Haveyou ever loved someone so much that it pysically hurts? Your chest getstight and it's hard to breathe. You crave them, long to be near them, and you would walk a thousand miles just to hear their voice and feel their touch...♥♥♥:heart:

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