maruf794 13 years ago 'TreAT everyoNE wiTH politeneSS, EvEN thoSE wHO aRE ruDE tO yOU, NoT becauSE thEY aRE nOT niCE, BuT bcOZ YOu aRE niCE...' [img][/img]:D[img][/img]:P[img][/img]:heart: thaNX..4 alwayw'S remembER mE:)
suraya02 13 years ago u wlcme sandesh.. Gud nite :)
sandeshkumar90 13 years ago tnks 4 adding me as frnd. Gud ny8 take care....
suraya02 13 years ago hye maruf... I like all ur image.. I like ur words.. So nice friend.. Miss u :)
maruf794 13 years ago 'EvEryOnE wANts tO bE tHe sUn tHAt LiGhTs uP yOUr LiFe. But I hAd raTHer bE yOUr mÖÖn, sO I cAn sHiNe oN yOu dUriNg yOUr dArKeSt hoUr.. wHEn yOUr sUn iS nOT aRouNd..' chEEr mY fRiENd.:smile: itS uR dAy..:) wiShiNg tErRific tuEsdAy..:thumb: [img].[/img]:thumb::**_::heart::_**:[img].[/img]::**_:heart::**_:
maruf794 13 years ago 'beautifuL thoughT... WorrieS arE likE a birD,leT theM fLy oveR yoU..buT dO noT givE theM a chancE tO builT a nesT oN uR heaD.' somE beautifuL flowerS... tO brinG fragrancE tO youR lifE... WisH yoU a SweeT MorninG witH flowerS anD smilE.. :smile:[img][/img]:sun:[img][/img]:note:[img][/img]:D[img][/img]:sun:[img][/img]:)[img][/img]:hee:[img][/img]:thumb:[img][/img]:smile::sun:[img][/img]:sun::heart:thanX 4 UR come:hee::heart: