maruf794 13 years ago 'Laugh when nothing is funny, dance when there is no music, sing like you’ve never sung before, love till it hurts, cry when you’re sad, smile when you’re happy. Live everyday like it’s your last day.' life is too valuable..jus live it..enjoy ur every moment with hope and smile:thumb: :smile: [img][/img]:thumb:[img][/img]:D:)[img][/img]:smile:[img][/img]:smile::heart:
maruf794 13 years ago 'FeW MomEntS iN F:) R:) I:) E:) N:) D:) S:) H:) I:) P:) FrNdZ WalKinG WiD U.. HolDinG Ur HaNdS.. LyInG On FrNdS ShoUldeR.. HugGinG FrnD In HappInesS oR DiffIculT SituAtioN.. GraBBinG FrndS FooD n EatinG.. SpeNdinG 4 FrNdZ n SpeNdinG FrndS MoNeY.. TeArS WithiN oR In OuR EyeS.. On SEEinG TeArS In FrndS EyeS.. RoaMinG.. PicniC WiD FriEndS.. FightS.. ArgUMEntS WiD HiM|HeR.. EnDinG Up In MorE UnderSTANdingS…' I haD thoSE day'S BuT i didn'T felT thaT extraordinarY feelingS becausE oF somE struggleD:(difficultieS anD complexcetY n mY lifE:( accidentallY wheN i entereD herE 4rM thosE daY tO stilL noW mY lifE anD timE waS changeD..changinG iS oN...everY daY mY eye'S filleD witH somE sweeT teaRs..buT nO onE seeN thaT.. itS miD nighT teaRs.. m sO happY witH mY smilE and teaRs..:smile: ThanK yoU frienD yoU arE thE sourcE oF mY smilE & sweeT teaRs yoU arE verY speciaL anD LikE a asseT tO mE..gut morning:sun: :smile::heart:
maruf794 13 years ago 'SomE PeoplE ArE ToO TireD tO GivE yoU a SmilE, sO GivE TheM OnE oF YourS aS nO OnE NeedS a smilE aS MucH aS.. ThE OnE WhO HaS nO MorE tO GivE.' HavE SuccessfuL AnD SunnY DaY WitH SmilE:sun::smile: [img][/img]:D:sun:[img][/img]:P :sun:[img][/img]:p:hee: [img][/img]:smile: :heart::sun:
maruf794 13 years ago Respect to u,like u,love u, its a wonderful journey with u here:) ur support helped me a lot to forgot my past:thumb: i'm feeling happy and i'm lucky to having u as my friend.... so i jus wana say THANK YOU... happy day my friend:sun: :love:
maruf794 13 years ago LovelY..SuccEssfuL aNd SunnY dAy foR mY FriEnÐ:sun:kEEp SmilinG....:smile:[img][/img]:)[img][/img]:)[img][/img]:)[img][/img]:)[img][/img]:)[img][/img]:sun: :smile: :heart:
maruf794 13 years ago Smile at each other, smile at your wife, smile at your husband, smile at your children, smile at each other – it doesn’t matter who it is – and that will help you to grow up in greater love for each other – Mother Teresa. I'm a simple person..may be yo ignor my words:o but mother's word must be follow.. so.. smile plz..but with me:p :smile: [img][/img]:smile:[img][/img]:smile:[img][/img]:p[img][/img]:p[img][/img] Good dream's:p :smile: :P[img][/img]:heart:
maruf794 13 years ago thanx my dear fiend..good time 4 you. Whats the meaning that you wright n ur language..plz plz plz..
maruf794 13 years ago You are my life:) You are my sun:o You are my light:sun: That's shines me bright:love: i want alway's hold you tight:P don go away ever to my sight :shy: have a perfect lovely day:thumb: only with me:p coz YOU are the last thing on my mind:heart: [img][/img]:heart:[img][/img]:heart:[img][/img]:heart:[img][/img]:love:[img][/img]:heart: thanx to remember me friend:love:
maruf794 13 years ago 'Smile is a language of love, smile is a source to win heart, smile is a name of lovely mood, smile create greatness in personality' so.. keep smiling...:smile: :D :smile: [img][/img] :heart: [img][/img]:heart:[img][/img]:heart:[img][/img]:heart:[img][/img] :hee: thanx 4 u to remember me:P have sunny and funny day:smile: :heart: yo don like my msg.. what? No funny mood:,( ok.. I'm going..[img][/img]
maruf794 13 years ago “The Dream is not what you see in sleep, Dream is the thing which does not let you sleep.”friend you forget me :( have a blessed night dear.... :heart: [img][/img] :heart: [img][/img] :heart: [img][/img] :heart: [img][/img]:heart:[img][/img]:P