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joooo11111 13 years ago
HIPISH - Lots of Comments

anandyss 13 years ago
Free Image Hosting

joooo11111 13 years ago

nasmatellyl 13 years ago
:) keep a smile in your face :)

Yummy9Z9A 13 years ago
< [size=24]ich liebe dich[/size] :love: :heart:

maruf794 13 years ago
SoN- i wAnT A BaBy bRoThEr MoM- yOuR DaD Is oVeRsEaS, wHeN He cOmE BaCk, We wIlL TaLk oVeR It.. SoN- wHy dOn’t gIvE HiM A SuRpRiSe mOm?? :o:o:o:p:p:p:hee::hee::hee::shy2: A ChIlD HaD NeVeR SeEn hIs hIpS, 1 DaY HiS TeAcHeR BeAt hIm oN HiS HiPs, hE CoMeS BaCk hOmE N SeE HiS HiPs iN ThE MiRrOr & sAyS.. oH GoD ShE DiViDeD It 2 pIcEs... bAaPlE! dO TuKlE KaL DiYe! :o:o:o:p:p:p:hee::hee::hee::shy2: BoY WhIlE KiSsInG HiS GiRlFrIeNd.. BoY- tHiNkS U BaBy.. 4 GiVe mE Ur cHeWiNg gUm.. GiRl- ThIs iS NoT ChEwInG GuM My lOvE, I’M SuFfErInG FrOm cOuGh! :o:o:o:p:p:p:hee::hee::hee::shy2: bE cArEfuL itS sUndAy:p:hee::$:shy2: i gEt tHe bEsT FeElInG In tHe wOrLd, wHeN U SaY.. hI Or sMiLe aT Me bCoZ I KnOw tHaT EvEn fOr a sEc tHaT I HaVe cRoSsEd uR MiNd”:heart: [img]http://i241.photobucket.com/albums/ff17/tucmuc/Frnd/PrPa_007.gif[/img]:hee:[img]http://i241.photobucket.com/albums/ff17/tucmuc/Frnd/PrPa_009.gif[/img]:hee:[img]http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc78/myscrado/funny2/friends/sfn4.gif[/img]:p:p [img]http://i241.photobucket.com/albums/ff17/tucmuc/oth/fulD_05.gif[/img]:P[img]http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc78/myscrado/pmc2/fnn_02.jpg[/img]:hee:[img]http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc78/myscrado/pmc2/fnn_01.gif[/img]:p[img]http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc78/myscrado/pmc2/fnn_05.jpg[/img]:hee:[img]http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc78/myscrado/pmc2/fnn_03.gif[/img]:hee::smile: HAPPY TIME:thumb::heart:

ravine44 13 years ago
[b][size=24][color=#ffc602]:sun: beautifull evening :sun:[/color][/size]:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:[img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_4Nea7IyUz9c/SdOGSxqcuTI/AAAAAAAABK4/pe01hz06ZNg/s400/l_115112.jpg[/img]:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:[img]http://us.123rf.com/400wm/400/400/jeannemhatch/jeannemhatch0807/jeannemhatch080700020/3316536-portrait-of-a-beautiful-girl-holding-her-beautiful-puppy-best-friends.jpg[/img]:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:[img]http://www.muslimblog.co.in/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/chinese_girls_chen_hao-in-red-looking-beautiful.jpg[/img]:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:[img]http://img-s3-01.mytextgraphics.com/halloweentext/2011/10/16/889a0af83e1259248eafd58755218cf1.gif[/img]

maruf794 13 years ago
ThE MoSt sElFiSh 1 lEtTeR WoRd: “I”- AvOiD It.. ThE MoSt sAtIsFyInG 2 LeTtEr wOrD: “WE”- UsE It.. ThE MoSt pOiSoNoUs 3 lEtTeR WoRd: “EGO”- KiLl iT.. tHe mOsT UsEd 4 lEtTeR WoRd: “LOVE”- vAlUe iT.. tHe mOsT PlEaSiNg 5 lEtTeR WoRd: “SMILE”- KeEp iT.. tHe fAsTeSt sPrEaDiNg 6 LeTtEr wOrD: “RUMOUR”- IgNoRe iT.. tHe hArD WoRkInG 7 LeTtEr wOrD: “SUCCESS”-AcHiEvE It.. ThE MoSt eNvIaBlE 8 LeTtEr wOrD: “IEALOUSY”-dIsTaNcE It.. ThE MoSt pOwErFuL 9 LeTtEr wOrD: “KNOWLEDGE”- aCqUiRe iT.. tHe mOsT DiViNe 10 LeTtEr wOrD: “FRIENDSHIP”- MaInTaIn iT…!ThAtS "LIFE" EnJoY iT!!! :thumb:[img]http://img1.funscrape.com/en/FunnyHello/9.gif[/img]:hee:[img]http://img1.funscrape.com/en/life/1.jpg[/img]:)[img]http://img1.funscrape.com/en/life/5.jpg[/img]:note:[img]http://img1.funscrape.com/en/life/7.jpg[/img]:)[img]http://img1.funscrape.com/en/life/8.jpg[/img]:note:[img]http://img1.funscrape.com/en/life/10.jpg[/img]:)[img]http://img1.funscrape.com/en/life/13.jpg[/img]:note:[img]http://img1.funscrape.com/en/life/16.gif[/img]:thumb:[img]http://img1.funscrape.com/en/goodmorning/52.gif[/img]:sun::heart:

maruf794 13 years ago
''RiVeR HaS MaNy tUrNs, eNjOy eAcH TuRn cAuSe eAcH TuRn, wIlL NoT ReTuRn,,,, sOmEtImEs wE MuSt bE HuRt iN OrDeR To gRoW, SoMeTiMeS We mUsT FaIl iN OrDeR To kNoW, sOmEtImEs wE MuSt lOsE In oRdEr tO GaIn,,,, BeCaUsE SoMe lEsSoNs iN LiFe ArE BeSt lEaRnEd tHrOuGh pAiN... pAsT Is eXpErIeNcE, PrEsEnT Is eXpErImEnT. FuTuRe iS ExPeCtAtIoN!!! UsE Ur eXpErIeNcE In yOuR ExPeRiMeNtS tO GeT YoUr eXpEcTaTiOnS...'' gOoD LuCk & gOoD DaY...:heart:[img]http://img1.funscrape.com/en/friendshipnotes/2.jpg[/img]:note:[img]http://img1.funscrape.com/en/love/7.gif[/img]:love:[img]http://img1.funscrape.com/en/smile/2.gif[/img]:smile:[img]http://img1.funscrape.com/en/goodmorning/1.gif[/img]:sun:[img]http://img1.funscrape.com/en/keepintouch/14.gif[/img]:hee::heart:

maruf794 13 years ago
TRUE MEANINGS OF LOVE: If iTs bCoZ Of hEr eYeS,LiPs oR BoDy, iTs nOt lOvE, iTs “LUST”. . iF ItS BcOz oF HeR InTeLlIgEnCe oR InSiGhT AbOuT LiFe, iTs nOt lOvE, iTs “ADMIRATiON”. . iF ItS BcOz sHe cRiEs eVrYtImE U TrY To lEaVe hEr, iTs nOt lOvE, iTs “PITY”. . iF ItS BcOz sHe mAkEs u 4GeT To sTuDy n sLeEp, iTs nOt lOvE, iTs “INFATUATION” . lOvE Is……. . …wHeN U Do nOt kNoW Y U SeEm tO B AtTrAcTeD To a pErSoN. lOvE HaS ItS ReAsOn aNd tHaT ReAsOn iS UNKNOWN !!! ♥♥♥ ThIrStY ThUrSDaY WiTh lOtS Of LOVE....:heart: [img]http://img1.funscrape.com/en/FriendshipFact/2.gif[/img]:)[img]http://img1.funscrape.com/en/BeatingHeart/4.gif[/img]:D[img]http://img1.funscrape.com/en/friendshug/7.gif[/img]:hee:[img]http://img1.funscrape.com/en/greattime/4.gif[/img]:note:[img]http://img1.funscrape.com/en/smile/8.gif[/img]:smile:[img]http://img1.funscrape.com/en/smile/9.gif[/img]:thumb::heart:thanx frn 4 sighing my gb:)

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