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maruf794 13 years ago
SaRdAr sEnT MsG To hIs bOsS: “Me sIcK, nO WoRk” BoSs mSg hIm bAcK: “WhEn i aM SiCk i kIsS My wIfE TrY It” 2 HoUrS LaTeR SaRdAr mSg 2 bOsS: “Me oK, uR WiFe vErY SwEeT”:p:p:hee: sWeEt SmIlInG MoRniNG mY dEaR FriEnD..:heart: :sun: [img][/img]can you follow it:o[img][/img]thanx god:hee:[img][/img]:hee:[img][/img]:o the face:o[img][/img]:p:hee::heart: