maruf794 13 years ago 'A fRiEnD likE yOu iS hArD tO cOmE bY... yOu’rE sO dEaR aS yOu’rE alwAyS thErE fOr mE tO sAy hi! I tHaNk yOu, aS yOu mAdE yOu'R fUll hEaRt oPeN... aNd I pRaY tHaT oUr fRiEndShiP nEvEr bE bRokEn... TwO cOrdS, tHeY sAy, arE bEttEr tHaN oNe.. yOu aNd I, aNd mE aNd yOu, aNd iT iS dOnE! I aM tHaNkfuL aNd hApPy tHaT yOu aRe mY fRiEnD...:) [img][/img] lOoK i'm 71 bUt sTilL mUsCulAr aAd cOoL:p:p:p [img][/img]:smile:[img][/img]yOu likE mY hEarT:o wHaT.. nO:hot:..iF i hAvE sHoCkS..tHeN:) :P[img][/img] A bEauTifuL Bulb fOr yOu:shy::D[img][/img] 5 sTaR hOtEl:hee::smile:[img][/img]I hAvE tO slEeP:o i'M gOiNg:P 4 yOu gOoD MoRniNg:sun::sun:[img][/img]gEt sEt rEaDy...hArD dAy wAitS[img][/img]:hee::smile::heart:
abbas14363 13 years ago hi..u r always come my friend....:P :P :P thanks...
abbas14363 13 years ago thanks and u r most well come always...what r u doing now friend?:P :P :P
abbas14363 13 years ago thanks to u add me your friend list..:P :P :P i m r u?:P :P :P thank you...
maruf794 13 years ago yo added friend:) thanx..have nice time:)