maruf794 13 years ago 'iF YoU LiVe lOnG EnOuGh, YoU’Ll mAkE MiStAkEs. BuT If yOu lEaRn fRoM ThEm, YoU’Ll bE A BeTtEr pErSoN. iT’S HoW YoU HaNdLe aDvErSiTy, NoT HoW It aFfEcTs yOu. ThE MaIn tHiNg iS NeVeR QuIt, NeVeR QuIt, NeVeR QuIt.' – gUt nItE:thumb:[img][/img]:heart:[img][/img]:)[img][/img]:heart:[img][/img]:D[img][/img]:heart:[img][/img]:note:[img][/img]:heart: oh i was cried to read ur replying so here's a big msg for you:p:hee:
maruf794 13 years ago hi jupitar wonder..:) busy:o
DEEPAK4670 13 years ago :heart:[img][/img]:heart:[img][/img]:heart:
maruf794 13 years ago 11 sIgNs tHaT Ur iN LoVe... eLeVeN: YoU WaLk rEaLlY SlOw wHeN YoU'Re wItH ThEm.:) TeN: yOu fEeL ShY WhEnEvEr tHeY'Re aRoUnD:) nInE: yOu sMiLe wHeN YoU HeAr tHeIr vOiCe:) EiGhT: wHeN YoU LoOk aT ThEm, YoU CaN'T SeE ThE OtHeR PeOpLe aRoUnD YoU, yOu jUsT SeE HiM/HeR:) sIx: ThEy'rE AlL YoU ThInK AbOuT:) fIvE: yOu rEaLiZe yOu'rE AlWaYs sMiLiNg wHeN YoU'Re lOoKiNg aT ThEm:) FoUr: YoU WoUlD Do aNyThInG FoR ThEm:) JuSt tO SeE ThEm:) ThReE: wHiLe rEaDiNg tHiS, tHeRe wAs oNe pErSoN On yOuR MiNd tHiS WhOlE TiMe:) TwO: yOu wErE So bUsY ThInKiNg aBoUt tHaT PeRsOn, YoU DiDn't nOtIcE NuMbEr sEvEn wAs mIsSiNg:hee: oNe: YoU JuSt sCrOlLeD Up tO ChEcK & ArE NoW SiLeNtLy lAuGhInG At yOuRsElF... nOw mAkE A WiSh. YoU KnOw yOu wAnT To......:heart:[img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: here another short msg for you.'. :hee: just replying me without read:p:p:hee:
Tirana60 13 years ago night was came after the darkness,sleep is come when th night coming, dream is come when u fall in sleep... So not missing ur sweet dream.. Go to bed and try to sleep.. Good night my dear frnd...
Princesandhuu 13 years ago Palak Jhuka K Salam Karte He
Is Dil Ki Dua Apke Naam Karte He
Kabul Ho To Muskurana
Hum To Apke Muskurane Ka Intzar Karte He
Princesandhuu 13 years ago Palak Juka K Salam Karte He
Is Dil Ki Dua Apke Naam Karte He
Kabul Ho To Muskurana
Hum To Apke Muskurane Ka Intzar Karte He
Princesandhuu 13 years ago Palak Juka K Salam Karte He
Is Dil Ki Dua Apke Naam Karte He
Kabul Ho To Muskurana
Hum To Apke Muskurane Ka Intzar Karte He