muratim24 13 years ago
:shy2: :shy2: :heart: :heart: :heart: :shy2: :shy2:
maruf794 13 years ago WhY Do wE NeEd cLoSe fReNz?:o 4 ThOsE HoNeSt oPiNiOnS...:) . -2 pIcK Us fRm rAiLwAy sTaTiOn @ 2Am...:shy: . -2 KiCk u aT MiDnIgHt oN Ur b’dAy...:hee: . -2 MaK FuN Of oUr nEw oUtFiTs...:P . -2 GeT LaTeSt pRiNtS Of mOvIeS...:thumb: . -2 cAlL @3Am jUsT To sAy gN...:hot: . -4 d eNdLeSs tReAtS...:,( . -2 iRrItAtE Us wId mIsSeD CaLlS WeN V R SlEePiNg...:@ . -SeNdInG LoT Of mSgS ThOuGh u dOnT RePlY...:P . -oR MaYbE JuSt 4 . “A BeAuTiFuL LiFe”:note:,,,,,,,,,,eNjOy uR BeAuTiFuL LiFe wItH CaRe..SmIlE,,, & lOvE...:heart::smile:[img][/img]:):D[img][/img]:hee::o[img][/img]:P:P[img][/img]:o:smile:[img][/img]:p:hee:[img][/img]:o:p[img][/img]:p::hee:[img][/img] i`M sLeePy...:hee: bYe... bYe...hAvE eNrgEtiC sLeePy dAy:p:p[img][/img]:shy2::heart:
ravikumar2553 13 years ago :sun::sun: good morning :sun::sun: [img][/img] :) :) [img][/img] :) :) [img][/img] :) :) [img][/img] :) :) :sun: :sun: have a great week ahead :sun: :sun:
sattl5000 13 years ago :note: :heart: :note:
Image SharingGoogle HomepagesMeaning Of Names
:heart: :note: good evening my friend:note: :heart:
sattl5000 13 years ago :note: :heart: :note:
Image SharingGoogle HomepagesMeaning Of Names
:heart: :note: good evening my friend:note: :heart:
maruf794 13 years ago QuTe sAcRiFiCe fOr lOvE: "A YoUnG BoY TaLkInG To a gHoSt.. .bOy: WhY DiD YoU DiE … ? ? gHoSt: I WaS HiT By a cAr tRyInG To sAvE SoMeOnE. BoY: wHy? gHoSt: BeCaUsE I DoN’T WaNt hEr tO GeT HuRt. bOy: YoU ReAlLy lOvE HeR A LoT BeCaUsE YoU’Ve sAcRiFiCeD YoUr 0Wn lIfE JuSt FoR HeR. mAy bE ShE’S SaD NoW, bEcAuSe 0F YoUr dEaTh. gHoSt: No. ShE’S VeRy hApPy bEcAuSe tHe 0Ne tHaT I SaVeD Is tHe mAn wHoM ShE LoVeS. . .''WisHiNg LoVeLy WeEkEnd WiTh TrUe LoVe...:heart:[img][/img]:)[img][/img]:)[img][/img]:)[img][/img]:note:[img][/img]:thumb:[img][/img]:note:[img][/img]:heart: